About Total Pest Control Limited
We provide pest control services for Squirrels (Squirrel Problem, Squirrel in Attic), Rats (Rat Smell, Rats Droppings, Rat Problem, Emergency Service for Rats, Rats in House, Rats in Backyard, Rat Burrows, Rats in Attic, Roof Rats in Attic, Rats in Crawl Space, Rats inside the House, Rats Outside the House, Grey Rats, Brown Rats, Black Rats, Roof Rats, Norway Rats), Mice (Mice Problem, Mice in Kitchen, Mice in Crawl Space, Mice inside the house), Bed Bugs (Bed Bug Problem, Emergency Service For Bed Bugs, Bed Bug Infestation, Bed Bugs Found on Bed, How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs), Wasps (Yellowjackets, Hornets, Wasps Removal, Wasp Nest Removal, Wasps going in Walls, Ground Wasps), Ants (Carpenter Ants, House Ants, Pavement Ants, Little Black Ants, Ant Problem, Small Ants, Big Ants, Ants in Driveway, Ants in Kitchen, Ants in Garage, Ants in Bedroom, Pharoah Ants, Spray For Ants, Parameter Spray for Ants), Fleas (Flea Problem, Cat Flea, Dog Flea, Human Flea), Cockroaches (American Cockroaches, German Cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches, Roaches, Cockroaches in Kitchen, Cockroaches in the House, Big Cockroaches, Small Cockroaches, Cockroach Problem), Insects (Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Millipedes, Indian Meal Moth, Mealworms, Slugs, Pillbugs, Earwigs, Sowbugs, Weevils, and Flour Beetles, Grain Beetles), Flies (Drain Flies, Fruit Flies, Dirty Flies, Flesh Flies, House Flies, Fly Problem, Big Flies, Small Flies)
We also provide Monthly Pest Control Service for Residential and Commercial Buildings including Restaurants and Warehouses. Call Us at 604-349-6402 or email at [email protected] for more information.
The color and size of Cockroaches can vary depending on the species we are dealing with. The most common Cockroaches in Canada are German...
Eco Friendly Technologies
Our pest removal services for Surrey are environmentally conscious. We aim to use the least toxic pest solutions possible. Often, that solution...
home Inspection
A home inspection will help us determine the extent of your pest issue. It will also allow us to discover how pests are entering your home so you...
Licensed & Protected
Total Pest Control is fully licensed and insured. In addition, each member of our staff is highly trained and professional. You can count on us...
Fast Pest Removal
With availability every day of the week, we can provide you with the pest control services you need when you need them. For fast and effective...